The Late Pastor C.L. Matthews Sr.

Ephesians 2: Verse - 10 - "For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them."

Introduction: Isn't it absolutely astounding that God would choose to make something beautiful, something good, something precious, or even anything at all out of such 'poor material' as some of us once were. Some of us were drunkards, others were liars, others were indecent, others were vulgar, others were unkind, or inconsiderate, or selfish, or greedy, or hateful, or jealous, or blasphemers, or contemptible, or drug addicts, or perverts, or rebellious, or cantankerous and the list could easily be much longer..! God sure didn't have very much to work with when He got some of us or any of us! Some of the material he chooses to make something or somebody out of has been filthy, unclean, trashy, despicable, corrupt, ungodly, and mean yet when given an opportunity, God can make something glorious, something worth while, something clean, happy, faithful, trustworthy, humble, gentle, forgiving, sober, honest, considerate, generous, holy and righteous out of it. Only God can do this...! We must also remember, that our God makes every snowflake different, every thumb print different, every sunrise different, every sunset different, every flower different, every leaf different, every blade of grass different, every day and every night different and He also makes every Believer different...!

It is important for us to understand that God does not create believers on an assembly line they are ‘hand made’ ‘, and individually designed and molded.

Why does God individually design man? He does it this way because he has different plans and purposes for each one. Some of his products will become Pastors, Evangelists, Teachers, Singers, Doctors, Lawyers, Government officials, Leaders, and Followers. Thank God,

When God saved us, that was but the beginning of a life-long work of what He desires to do in our lives. It was but the foundation of all that is to follow throughout all the rest of our days on this earth. Most of the time, he works in a tender, discrete, compassionate manner. Yet, there are times when due to our stubbornness he may use a crises, or a tragedy (mostly to get our attention) in order to accomplish His will in us. More often than not, he speaks in a still small voice. There are times when we fail to listen as we ought, when He may choose to use ‘thunder and lightening’ to convey His message.

God keeps right on working to transform us from ‘what we were’ to ‘what He desires’ for us to be.

God keeps right on working to transform us from ‘what we were’ to ‘what He desires’ for us to be.

We were ungodly but God wants to make us godly.

We were unholy but God wants to make us holy.

We were selfish but God wants to make us selfless.

We were proud but God wants to make us humble.

We were sinful but God wants to make us sinless.

We were vulgar but God wants to make us pure.

We were carnal but God wants to make us spiritual.

We were restless but God wants to make us secure.

We were deceitful but God wants to make us truthful.

We were hateful but God wants to make us loving.

We were rude but God wants to make us kind... We were greedy...but God wants to make us generous...

And there is so much more than this that I believe that God wants to do in us and all of this takes time. God is willing to be patient with us until we learn the lessons we need to learn. and are willing to apply them to our lives.

So, allow God to ‘make and mold” you what He wants you to be. It is only then that you will be able to bring glory to Him. It is only then that you will find true happiness and joy. It is only then that you will be able to accomplish something worthwhile for God. God wants to mold us as a potter does the clay. He wants to carve us as a sculpture does the rock. He wants to polish us as the jeweler does the diamond. He wants to prune us as a gardener does the plant. He wants to train us as the trainer does the athlete. He wants to build us as the carpenter does the house. He wants to develop us as the boxer does his muscles. And He wants to arrange us as the composer does the notes!

We are indeed God’s ‘workmanship’ and God is not through with any of us as long as we are alive and breathing...!

Tell somebody God’s not through with me yet! Since God is not through with me yet, He gave me an example to follow while I’m still under construction.

That example is Jesus Christ! Jesus Christ is to be our supreme example of true holiness. To be like Christ should be the goal of every Born Again Believer.

In striving to emulate Jesus, we aim to embody righteousness in our actions, warmth in our relationships, faithfulness in our commitments, generosity in our contributions, earnestness in our endeavors, maturity in our behavior, humility in our mindset, and a pleasing personality. Following these qualities, we reflect the essence of Jesus in our daily lives.I may not be what you think I should be, but God’s not through with me yet! Ezekiel 11:19 And I will give them one heart, and I will put a new spirit within you; and I will take the stony heart out of their flesh, and give them an heart of flesh.

Please be patient with me God is not through with me yet.... 2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become (or being, or in the process of becoming) new. Please be patient with me, God is not through with me yet! 1John 3:2 Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when He shall appear, we shall be like Him; for we shall see Him as He is. GOD’S NOT THROUGH WITH ME YET! Just wait until you see the ‘finished product’ in glory...! I believe that we then will be everything that God initially created us to become... and what a glorious day that will be.

Happy Birthday Dad! Thanks for being the father that you are!


Stella Star Lawandca Sutton


Rising Stella Star